All of the work you do will be graded by me, not a grader. In addition you will receive regular reports on all of your grades. If you have a question about a grade please contact me at once so that we may resolve it. All exams and assignments will be kept by me and you are welcome to c
Exam 1
Exam 2
Term Project
*You must complete these, on time, in order to receive a passing grade regardless of your overall average.
ome in to discuss and review them. Final grade determination will be done using the schedule in Figure 1. If you are significantly above or below the mid point you will receive a plus or minus.
The above grades are an absolute standard. If you achieve the above percentage on all of you work in total,
then you are assured of getting that particular grade. I do not convert your scores on assignments into a grade until the end of the semester. It is possible that you might still receive a
higher grade than the above if you are very close to the cutoff line. Whether you receive the higher grade will depend upon a variety of individual factors such as: the pattern of your exam grades during the semester, (do they go up or down) your performance
on homework. Remember to do well on the homework only requires that you fully attempt to work all the problems and read the assigned material. For information about other grades, such as INC etc. click here.